Dr. Vivien Brown

Tag dieting

What is the best diet??

What is the Best Diet

The best diet is the one that works for you.  However, US News and World Report rank the BEST DIETS 2023. The Mediterranean diet comes out on top, as well as the DASH  diet. All best diets include lots of…

Common Sense Solutions & Dieting

One thing I’d like every woman to understand is the true meaning of diet. I cannot emphasize enough how much potential harm comes from our society’s insistence that diet simply means restricting caloric intake to lose weight. The current trend…

The Non-Diet Diet

The Non-Diet Solution to Weight Loss  Dieting is defined as restricting oneself to small amounts of food to lose weight. An estimated 45 million Americans spend $33 billion dollars a year trying to lose those extra uncomfortable pounds. Which, as…