Dr. Vivien Brown

Tag healthy aging toronto

Is Life Expectancy Heading Downward?

Have we reached the tipping point? An interesting article recently appeared in the prestigious Journal of American Medicine Association (JAMA) about life expectancy and death rates in the US. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in the US (CDC)…

Top Trends in Preventative Healthcare

Science and Technology Converge Part I As a passionate advocate of preventative healthcare and wellness, I am glad to see that there will be an increased focus on prevention, because many older people continue to have chronic diseases which overwhelm…

Healthy Aging: Is 60 The New 40?

Healthy Aging  Is 60 the new 40?  Part 3 Determinants of healthy aging In my previous blog, I provided some disturbing statistics about the health of Canadians.  Diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels are alarmingly high and can…