Let’s talk about the crucial topic of COVID shots during pregnancy.

Did you know COVID during pregnancy poses an elevated risk of severe complications? Maternal severe illness, ICU admissions, mechanical ventilation, and even the unthinkable death. The stakes are high, especially for those with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, increasing age, and cardiovascular disease.  Now, here’s the game-changer: COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy. A goldmine…

Why Vitamin D is important

More than 42% of Americans are not getting enough vitamin D that our skin produces from sunlight. Canadians too. Known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D Is needed to build & maintain healthy bones, is an antioxidant, and supports immune health.Vitamin D is the one supplement you should consider taking-1-2K IU daily

What is Iron Deficiency Anemia? Symptoms

Iron Deficiency Anemia means you don’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen from your lungs to other parts of your body.You may feel tired, dizzy, or experience shortness of breath. Every Saturday morning on AM 740 #zoomerradio w/ @marilynwetston, I offerHealthy Aging Tips-Learn how to overcome Iron Deficiency Anemia.