Dr. Vivien Brown



Sugar Shock – The Unsweetened Truth!

Canadians eat an astounding 88 pounds of sugar per year—it’s about one in every five calories we consume. Sugar by any name; barley malt, brown rice syrup, corn syrup, cane syrup, dextrin, dextrose, and sweeteners, *, is still a substance…

The Non-Diet Diet

The Non-Diet Solution to Weight Loss  Dieting is defined as restricting oneself to small amounts of food to lose weight. An estimated 45 million Americans spend $33 billion dollars a year trying to lose those extra uncomfortable pounds. Which, as…

Valentines Day – Straight From the Heart

Taking care of loved ones means knowing the signs of heart attack symptoms Valentine’s Day as we know is a time to acknowledge your loved ones, showing your appreciation and yes, love. But I would suggest the most important thing…

Top Trends in Preventative Healthcare

Science and Technology Converge Part I As a passionate advocate of preventative healthcare and wellness, I am glad to see that there will be an increased focus on prevention, because many older people continue to have chronic diseases which overwhelm…

Is it the end of red meat?

When weighing the cancer risk of some meats to colorectal cancer moderation is the new normal. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) a subsidiary of the World Health Organization, (WHO) ruled that processed meat causes colorectal cancer and…

Six Top Tips For Healthy Aging

A healthy older woman is active and independent. By active, I mean being able to do the things you want like meeting your friends, going out, and working out. You don’t have any limitations based on physical issues. Being independent…