Are Omega-3 fatty acid supplements a substitute for eating seafood & other fatty fish?

Omega-3’s found in salmon & fatty fish support a healthy heart, brain, and eyes and support of your cell membranes.While taking fish oil supplements may seem easier than eating fish twice a week, they have a more limitedfatty acid profile than whole fish and don’t contain selenium, which reduces mercury toxicity. Learn more about Omega-3’s today…

New Pneumomia Vaccine with 20 types of bacteria

New Pneumonia Vaccine is now available. Pneumococcal disease is a serious infection caused by bacteria that can infect the sinuses, inner ear, lungs, blood, and brain. Newer vaccines contain 20 different types of pneumococcal bacteria to help your body develop immunity to the disease. #marilynwetston#zoomereradio. Every #satmorning #zoomereradio What you need to know about Pneumococcal…

The Four Pillars of Healthy Aging

The new year is a chance for new resolutions. Or perhaps what we really need is a refresh of previous plans, resolutions, and goals that we have made many times before. Why haven’t we succeeded? Were we too ambitious, too hopeful, too unrealistic to maintain the road forward. I think that, as we contemplate where…