Should you get a 4th Covid Booster?

Your child may already have received a meningitis vaccine when they were younger. But that doesn’t mean they are protected against Meningitis B. The meningitis vaccine most people receive covers meningitis groups ACWY but not B. The vaccine was not…
Follow the MIND Diet to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s. It’s believed to protect the brain from inflammation and lower the rate of the disease by as much as 53%! The diet focuses on lots of veg, legumes, whole grains,…
Moderna’s Bivalent vaccine combines and targets the original SARS-CoV-2 virus from 2019 and the Omicron (BA.) the prevalent virus today. I highly recommend that you get the booster this fall. Studies have shone the vaccine greatly reduces the severity…
Blood Pressure measures the pressure inside your arteries as it beats. The top number (systolic) is blood flow pressure when the heart contracts, bottom number (diastolic) is the pressure between heartbeats. 120 over 80 is normal. More Healthy Aging Tips…
Personalized medicine uses an individual’s genetic profile to guide decisions in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Knowledge of a patient’s genetic profile can help doctors select the proper medication or therapy and administer it using the proper dose…
Canada ranks only 19th in organ donation. Canada needs to do more. In my weekly talk on #zoomeradio w/ @ marilynwetston and my podcast, I talk about the importance of organ donations. How to register and why it’s so important.…