Dementia & Body Mass Index

Are you at risk for dementia? Let your BMI -Body Mass Index be your guide. Greater than 30 puts you at risk.Make Good Choices. It is never too late or too early to start on a path of healthy aging.…
Are you at risk for dementia? Let your BMI -Body Mass Index be your guide. Greater than 30 puts you at risk.Make Good Choices. It is never too late or too early to start on a path of healthy aging.…
OBESITY & DIABETES ARE ON THE RISE. PARTLY DUE TO SUGAR CONSUMPTION.You may think you’re eating healthy but check out the sugar content in your fav foods. Flavored low-fat Greek Yogurt has more sugar than 2 donuts A salad with…
Approximately 4,100 Canadians await a lifesaving organ transplant. Each year hundreds of Canadians die waiting. 90 percent of Canadians say they support organ donation, yet only 32 percent have actually registered their decision It is not easy to have the conversation. Learn…
Your child may already have received a meningitis vaccine when they were younger. But that doesn’t mean they are protected against Meningitis B. The meningitis vaccine most people receive covers meningitis groups ACWY but not B. The vaccine was not…
Follow the MIND Diet to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s. It’s believed to protect the brain from inflammation and lower the rate of the disease by as much as 53%! The diet focuses on lots of veg, legumes, whole grains,…
Moderna’s Bivalent vaccine combines and targets the original SARS-CoV-2 virus from 2019 and the Omicron (BA.) the prevalent virus today. I highly recommend that you get the booster this fall. Studies have shone the vaccine greatly reduces the severity…