Are your vaccinations up to date? Only 3% of Canadians are up to date!
Here’s a list of routine vaccinations for individuals over 50+ & 65+
Here’s a list of routine vaccinations for individuals over 50+ & 65+
1500 adults die from pneumonia in Canada every year. We are in the midst of a rough flu season similar to 2014-2015, where many outbreaks occurred and are likely to continue throughout the winter. So I would like to remind you of the importance of immunization and flu shots and adult pneumonia. Pneumonia is…
It’s that time of year again—when colds, flu, bronchitis, sore throats and many sinus and ear infections start to surface at home, school and our workplaces. The tendency when someone gets sick these days is to presume they will need an antibiotic to get better. The facts are that taking antibiotics for colds and other…
The flu is hitting Toronto and other parts of the country hard, with an earlier than usual start to the season! And there has been a big spike in the number of cases according to Flu Watch, the national surveillance system that monitors its spread. Flu Watch reports that as of December 15th, there were…